Environmental Studies Major


Students pursuing an Environmental Studies (ES) major complete an Environmental Studies Core plus six to eight courses comprising a disciplinary Focus. Students are encouraged to complete some courses in the Core before beginning coursework toward the Focus. Students should consult an ES advisor for assistance with planning a course of study. Students wishing to substitute a second major for the Focus area must submit a formal, written request to the ES Chair to be considered by the ES Committee. Given the deeply interdisciplinary nature of the ES Core and the in-depth study involved in the Focus area, students completing the ES major, an additional three credits in the Fine Arts, and six additional credits in the Social Sciences* fulfill the requirements of three PEAKs: Humanities & Fine Arts; Social Sciences & History; and Natural Sciences & Mathematics.

The Environmental Studies Core (36 credits) introduces essential concepts in environmental studies, foundational approaches to the study of the environment, and the specific ways in which environmental studies are practiced in various disciplines. Courses in the Core should be taken as early as possible.

*Students can fulfill the 6 required Social Science elective credits from the following courses: ENV-151 Introduction to Human Geography, ENV-355 Urban Geography, ENV-357 Applied Cartography, HIS-351 History of Science, HIS-399T Environmental History of East Asia, IND-305.2 Winter Wilderness Experience, PSY-425 Nature Makes Us Human. 

Chemistry Focus

All human activity depends upon energy, chemical systems, and the earth's elemental cycles, and our dependence upon these systems has had profound effects on our environment. The water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles, for example, reflect the impact of human activity. Addressing environmental problems from a chemical perspective necessitates generating data about the properties of chemical systems, interpreting those data, and understanding the study of matter. In the Chemistry Focus, students study techniques for chemical analysis, the complexities of matter, the earth's elemental cycles, and electrochemistry, and gain experience conducting chemical analyses and interpreting scientific data. The Chemistry Focus provides students with a solid base of coursework that enables exploration of crucial concerns affecting the physical environment.

60 credits (Total does not include prerequisite courses)

Environmental Studies Core Requirements

ENV-200Nature and Culture: Introduction to Environmental Studies

3 credits


IND-305.1Winter Wilderness Experience

2 credits

Environment, Ecology, and Natural Systems

BIO-140Idaho Natural History

3 credits

BIO-140LIdaho Natural History Lab

1 credit

ENV-160Physical Environmental Systems

3 credits

ENV-160LPhysical Environmental Systems Laboratory

1 credit


ENV-260Biological Environmental Interactions

3 credits

ENV-260LBiological Environmental Interactions Laboratory

1 credit


BIO-203Ecology, Evolution and Diversity

3 credits

Analytical and Quantitative Skills

MAT-125Data Analysis and Statistics

3 credits


MAT-212Multiple Regression Analysis

3 credits

Environmental Thought in the United States

ENG-239Visions of Environment

3 credits

Global Perspective on Environment

ATH-309Cross-Cultural Approaches to Environment

3 credits

Public Policy and the Environment

POE-339Environmental Policy Analysis

3 credits

Values and the Environment

PHI-340Environmental Philosophy

3 credits


REL-348Religion and Science

3 credits


REL-349Religion and Nature

3 credits

Senior Capstone Integrative Seminar

ENV-402Senior Capstone

3 credits

Chemistry Focus Requirements

CHE-141General Chemistry I

4 credits

CHE-142General Chemistry II

4 credits

CHE-252Analytical Chemistry I

3 credits

CHE-252LAnalytical Chemistry I Lab

1 credit

CHE-301Organic Chemistry I

3 credits

CHE-301LOrganic Chemistry I Lab

1 credit

CHE-302Organic Chemistry II

3 credits

CHE-302LOrganic Chemistry II Lab

1 credit

CHE-352Analytical Chemistry II

3 credits

CHE-352LAnalytical Chemistry Lab II

1 credit

CHE-302: CHE-412/CHE-412L or CHE-420/CHE-420L can substitute for this course

Conservation Biology Focus

Understanding the biology of organisms, populations, and ecosystems is essential to addressing environmental issues. The ability to collect and interpret biological data reliably and to gather and interpret relevant scientific literature allows for the critical evaluation of ecological issues and contributes to sound environmental decision making. In the Conservation Biology Focus, students gain both a conceptual framework and the laboratory and field experience needed to understand the biological aspects of environmental issues.

58-60 credits (Total does not include prerequisite courses)

Environmental Studies Core Requirements

ENV-200Nature and Culture: Introduction to Environmental Studies

3 credits


IND-305.1Winter Wilderness Experience

2 credits

Environment, Ecology, and Natural Systems

BIO-140Idaho Natural History

3 credits

BIO-140LIdaho Natural History Lab

1 credit

ENV-160Physical Environmental Systems

3 credits

ENV-160LPhysical Environmental Systems Laboratory

1 credit


ENV-260Biological Environmental Interactions

3 credits

ENV-260LBiological Environmental Interactions Laboratory

1 credit


BIO-203Ecology, Evolution and Diversity

3 credits

Analytical and Quantitative Skills

MAT-125Data Analysis and Statistics

3 credits


MAT-212Multiple Regression Analysis

3 credits

Environmental Thought in the United States

ENG-239Visions of Environment

3 credits

Global Perspective on Environment

ATH-309Cross-Cultural Approaches to Environment

3 credits

Public Policy and the Environment

POE-339Environmental Policy Analysis

3 credits

Values and the Environment

PHI-340Environmental Philosophy

3 credits


REL-348Religion and Science

3 credits


REL-349Religion and Nature

3 credits

Senior Capstone Integrative Seminar

ENV-402Senior Capstone

3 credits

Conservation Biology Focus Requirements

BIO-201Biology I: Molecules to Cells

3 credits

BIO-201LMolecules to Cells Lab

1 credit


BIO-210LMolecules to Cells Research-Based Lab

1 credit


BIO-202Organismal Biology

3 credits

BIO-202LOrganismal Biology

1 credit

BIO-306Conservation Biology

3 credits

ENV-350Introduction to Geographic Information System (GIS)

2 credits

ENV-350LIntroduction to Geographic Information System Lab

1 credit

Complete 1 Systematics course from the following:


3 credits

BIO-319LIchthyology Lab

1 credit

BIO-322.1Field Botany

3 credits

BIO-322LField Botany Lab

1 credit


3 credits

BIO-331LEvolution Lab

1 credit


3 credits

BIO-339LMammalogy Lab

1 credit

BIO-349Vertebrate Natural History

3 credits

BIO-349LVertebrate Natural History Lab

1 credit

Complete 1 Ecology course from the following:

BIO-317Stream Ecology

3 credits

BIO-317LStream Ecology Lab

1 credit

BIO-326Coastal Marine Ecology

4 credits

BIO-326LCoastal Marine Ecology Lab

1 credit


3 credits

BIO-345LEcology Lab

1 credit

BIO-346.1Field Biology Preparation

2 credits


BIO-346Field Biology

4 credits

Recommended course (but not required):

MAT-212Multiple Regression Analysis

3 credits

Geoscience Focus

Understanding the complex interactions among chemical, physical, biological and geological processes across Earth's systems (e.g., lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, cryosphere, and biosphere) is essential to addressing environmental issues. The public and policy makers increasingly recognize the contribution of geosciences to resolving societally important issues such as natural hazards, water, energy, climate, sustainability, and natural resources. In the Geoscience Focus, students will develop an understanding of rapidly changing environmental systems, through laboratory and field experiences as well as experience working with large data sets and evolving technologies.

Environmental Studies Core Requirements

ENV-200Nature and Culture: Introduction to Environmental Studies

3 credits


IND-305.1Winter Wilderness Experience

2 credits

Environment, Ecology, and Natural Systems

BIO-140Idaho Natural History

3 credits

BIO-140LIdaho Natural History Lab

1 credit

ENV-160Physical Environmental Systems

3 credits

ENV-160LPhysical Environmental Systems Laboratory

1 credit

ENV-260Biological Environmental Interactions

3 credits

ENV-260LBiological Environmental Interactions Laboratory

1 credit


BIO-203Ecology, Evolution and Diversity

3 credits

BIO-203LEcology Evolution and Diversity Lab

1 credit

Analytical and Quantitative Skills

MAT-125Data Analysis and Statistics

3 credits


MAT-212Multiple Regression Analysis

3 credits

Environmental Thought in the United States

ENG-239Visions of Environment

3 credits

Global Perspective on Environment

ATH-309Cross-Cultural Approaches to Environment

3 credits

Public Policy and the Environment

POE-339Environmental Policy Analysis

3 credits

Values and the Environment

PHI-340Environmental Philosophy

3 credits

REL-348Religion and Science

3 credits


REL-349Religion and Nature

3 credits

Senior Capstone Integrative Seminar

ENV-402Senior Capstone

3 credits

Geoscience Focus Requirements

Basic Requirements

Complete the following courses:

CHE-141General Chemistry I

4 credits

GEO-101Physical Geology

3 credits

GEO-101LPhysical Geology Lab

1 credit

PHY-231General Physics I

3 credits

PHY-231LGeneral Physics I Lab

1 credit


PHY-271Analytical Physics I

4 credits

PHY-271LAnalytical Physics I Lab

1 credit

Upper-Level Geoscience

Complete 3 courses from the following:

GEO-310Earth's Dynamic Climate System

3 credits

GEO-320Watershed Hydrology

3 credits


3 credits

GEO-410LGeomorphology Laboratory

1 credit

ENV-350Introduction to Geographic Information System (GIS)

2 credits

ENV-350LIntroduction to Geographic Information System Lab

1 credit

Earth Systems Connections

Complete at least 3 additional credits of upper-division coursework (300-level or above) in CHE, CSC, BIO, MAT, PHY, ENV, or GEO.  Consultation with an Environmental Studies advisor is recommended.

Literature Focus

Our values, beliefs, and language relate deeply to environmental issues and attitudes. Similarly, the human imagination and the stories that we tell ourselves reflect and affect the physical environment. Studying the literary tradition allows us to reflect on historical assumptions and understandings about how humans relate to their world. In the Literature Focus, students examine the British, American, and World literary traditions, and study theories concerning how literature makes meaning for readers.

60 credits (Total does not include prerequisite courses)

Environmental Studies Core Requirements

ENV-200Nature and Culture: Introduction to Environmental Studies

3 credits


IND-305.1Winter Wilderness Experience

2 credits

Environment, Ecology, and Natural Systems

BIO-140Idaho Natural History

3 credits

BIO-140LIdaho Natural History Lab

1 credit

ENV-160Physical Environmental Systems

3 credits

ENV-160LPhysical Environmental Systems Laboratory

1 credit


ENV-260Biological Environmental Interactions

3 credits

ENV-260LBiological Environmental Interactions Laboratory

1 credit


BIO-203Ecology, Evolution and Diversity

3 credits

Analytical and Quantitative Skills

MAT-125Data Analysis and Statistics

3 credits


MAT-212Multiple Regression Analysis

3 credits

Environmental Thought in the United States

ENG-239Visions of Environment

3 credits

Global Perspective on Environment

ATH-309Cross-Cultural Approaches to Environment

3 credits

Public Policy and the Environment

POE-339Environmental Policy Analysis

3 credits

Values and the Environment

PHI-340Environmental Philosophy

3 credits


REL-348Religion and Science

3 credits


REL-349Religion and Nature

3 credits

Senior Capstone Integrative Seminar

ENV-402Senior Capstone

3 credits

Literature Focus Requirements

ENG-280Theory and Methods of the Study of Literature

3 credits

ENG-498Literature in English Capstone

3 credits

Complete at least 1 course from the following:

ENG-245Poetry Writing Workshop

3 credits

ENG-246Fiction Writing Workshop

3 credits

ENG-247Creat Nonfiction Writ Wkshp

3 credits

Complete 12 credits of upper division (300-level) Literature Seminars from the following:

American Literature

Complete at least 1 course from the following:

ENG-329Inventing America

3 credits

ENG-330African American Literature

3 credits

ENG-331Gardens of American Literature

3 credits

ENG-332Adrienne Rich

3 credits

ENG-333Hemingway and Faulkner

3 credits


3 credits

ENG-335American Renaissance

3 credits

ENG-337American Poetry and Poetics

3 credits

English Literature before 1789

Complete at least 1 course from the following:

ENG-306The Seventeenth Century Lyric

3 credits

ENG-307Origins and Traditions of English Literature

3 credits

ENG-308Rival Playwrights: Marlowe, Shakespeare, Johnson

3 credits

ENG-309The Epic Tradition

3 credits

ENG-310English Renaissance Literature

3 credits

ENG-311Drama of Early Modern Europe

3 credits

English Literature after 1789

Complete at least 1 course from the following:

ENG-315Ghosties and Ghoulies and Long-Leggedy Beasties: the Supernatural in British Literature

3 credits

ENG-316The Brontes

3 credits

ENG-317Nineteenth-Century British Fiction

3 credits

ENG-318Prize Books

3 credits

ENG-319Nineteenth-Century Literature of the British Isles

3 credits

ENG-320Twentieth-Century Literature of the British Isles

3 credits

Postcolonial Literature

Complete at least 1 course from the following:

ENG-322V. S. Naipaul and Salman Rushdie

3 credits

ENG-323Postcolonial Studies

3 credits

ENG-324Narratives Against Oppression

3 credits

ENG-325Constructing World Literatures

3 credits

Philosophy Focus

With the increasing power of modern science and technology to affect nature, reflections upon the place of humanity in the universe have taken on special urgency. These reflections include questions about the limits of scientific knowledge, the ethical obligations of humans to non-human life and the environment, and technology's impact on humanity's self-understanding. The philosophy emphasis enables a student to examine these and other issues thoughtfully by introducing the most important ideas in Western philosophy and developing students' abilities in critical analysis, argumentation, and presentation.

52-55 credits (Total does not include prerequisite courses)

Environmental Studies Core Requirements

ENV-200Nature and Culture: Introduction to Environmental Studies

3 credits


IND-305.1Winter Wilderness Experience

2 credits

Environment, Ecology, and Natural Systems

BIO-140Idaho Natural History

3 credits

BIO-140LIdaho Natural History Lab

1 credit

ENV-160Physical Environmental Systems

3 credits

ENV-160LPhysical Environmental Systems Laboratory

1 credit


ENV-260Biological Environmental Interactions

3 credits

ENV-260LBiological Environmental Interactions Laboratory

1 credit


BIO-203Ecology, Evolution and Diversity

3 credits

Analytical and Quantitative Skills

MAT-125Data Analysis and Statistics

3 credits


MAT-212Multiple Regression Analysis

3 credits

Environmental Thought in the United States

ENG-239Visions of Environment

3 credits

Global Perspective on Environment

ATH-309Cross-Cultural Approaches to Environment

3 credits

Public Policy and the Environment

POE-339Environmental Policy Analysis

3 credits

Values and the Environment

PHI-340Environmental Philosophy

3 credits


REL-348Religion and Science

3 credits


REL-349Religion and Nature

3 credits

Senior Capstone Integrative Seminar

ENV-402Senior Capstone

3 credits

Philosophy Focus Requirements

PHI-214Introduction to Logic

3 credits

PHI-310Ancient Philosophy

3 credits

PHI-311Modern Philosophy

3 credits


3 credits

PHI-498Philosophy Seminar

1 credit

Upper-Division non-Western Philosophy or Religion course

3 credits

Political Economy Focus

The study of the environment requires an understanding of natural systems and of values, beliefs, and language. The application of this knowledge can lead to important social and environmental change. The focus in Politics and Economics, which emphasizes public policy, allows Environmental Studies majors to apply their knowledge to affect substantive change to their communities, regions, and society. A thorough comprehension of political and economic systems, philosophies, and methods is critical for students to become influential members of society.

57 credits (Total does not include prerequisite courses)

Environmental Studies Core Requirements

ENV-200Nature and Culture: Introduction to Environmental Studies

3 credits


IND-305.1Winter Wilderness Experience

2 credits


BIO-140Idaho Natural History

3 credits

Environment, Ecology, and Natural Systems

BIO-140Idaho Natural History

3 credits

BIO-140LIdaho Natural History Lab

1 credit

ENV-160Physical Environmental Systems

3 credits

ENV-160LPhysical Environmental Systems Laboratory

1 credit


ENV-260Biological Environmental Interactions

3 credits

ENV-260LBiological Environmental Interactions Laboratory

1 credit


BIO-203Ecology, Evolution and Diversity

3 credits

Analytical and Quantitative Skills

MAT-125Data Analysis and Statistics

3 credits


MAT-212Multiple Regression Analysis

3 credits

Environmental Thought in the United States

ENG-239Visions of Environment

3 credits

Global Perspective on Environment

ATH-309Cross-Cultural Approaches to Environment

3 credits

Public Policy and the Environment

POE-339Environmental Policy Analysis

3 credits

Values and the Environment

PHI-340Environmental Philosophy

3 credits


REL-348Religion and Science

3 credits


REL-349Religion and Nature

3 credits

Senior Capstone Integrative Seminar

ENV-402Senior Capstone

3 credits

Political Economy Focus Requirements

POE-241Introduction to Public Policy

3 credits

POE-250Introduction to Political Philosophy

3 credits

POE-263Introduction to Political Economy

3 credits

POE-299Evidence, Proof, and Knowledge

3 credits

POE-498Senior Seminar: Political Economy

3 credits

Complete 2 upper-division (300- or 400-level) courses in Political Economy (at least one course should have an international emphasis):

Upper-Division Courses (POE ES Core course not included)

6 credits

Self-Designed Focus

46-60 credits (Total does not include prerequisite courses)

Environmental Studies Core Requirements

ENV-200Nature and Culture: Introduction to Environmental Studies

3 credits


IND-305.1Winter Wilderness Experience

2 credits

Environment, Ecology, and Natural Systems

BIO-140Idaho Natural History

3 credits

BIO-140LIdaho Natural History Lab

1 credit

ENV-160Physical Environmental Systems

3 credits

ENV-160LPhysical Environmental Systems Laboratory

1 credit


ENV-260Biological Environmental Interactions

3 credits

ENV-260LBiological Environmental Interactions Laboratory

1 credit


BIO-203Ecology, Evolution and Diversity

3 credits

Analytical and Quantitative Skills

MAT-125Data Analysis and Statistics

3 credits


MAT-212Multiple Regression Analysis

3 credits

Environmental Thought in the United States

ENG-239Visions of Environment

3 credits

Global Perspective on Environment

ATH-309Cross-Cultural Approaches to Environment

3 credits

Public Policy and the Environment

POE-339Environmental Policy Analysis

3 credits

Values and the Environment

PHI-340Environmental Philosophy

3 credits


REL-348Religion and Science

3 credits


REL-349Religion and Nature

3 credits

Senior Capstone Integrative Seminar

ENV-402Senior Capstone

3 credits

Self-Designed Focus Requirements

Students may design a Focus in consultation with an ES advisor. All self-designed Foci must include in-depth study within a single field or discipline and at least 10 upper-division units, and must be approved by the ES Program Committee by the end of the junior year. If you are interested in designing a Focus, see your ES advisor or the Chair of the ES Program.