Dual-Degree Engineering Minor


Engineering gives students the opportunity to be simultaneously creative and practical. They can combine the principles learned in science and mathematics with the methods and techniques of engineering to develop theory, models, and applications. The Dual-Degree Engineering Minor is meant to develop a foundation preparing the student for further study and a career in engineering.

Engineering schools require that many general science and mathematics courses be completed at The College of Idaho before a student transfers under the dual-degree engineering program. Therefore it is recommended that students complete a mathematics or mathematics-physics major if interested in the dual-degree engineering minor. (Note: Choosing a major other than mathematics or mathematics-physics will likely result in the student spending four years at The College of Idaho to complete their major. Upper-level coursework from the engineering institution will transfer back to The College of Idaho to fulfill the mathematics or mathematics-physics major requirements. (Please see the dual-degree engineering requirements for affiliated institutions.) Students can fulfill two PEAKS upon completion of this minor: Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Professional Studies.

Minor credits vary dependent upon chosen path (Total does not include prerequisite courses)

Minor Requirements

Mathematics and/or Physics Upper-Division (300-or-400-level) Courses

9 credits

Acceptance to an approved engineering program

The following courses are required for most fields of engineering and most computer science programs:

CHE-141General Chemistry I

4 credits

MAT-150Applied Calculus: a Modeling Approach

4 credits

MAT-175Single Variable Calculus

4 credits

MAT-275Multivariable Calculus

4 credits

PHY-170Engineering Analysis

2 credits

PHY-271Analytical Physics I

4 credits

PHY-271LAnalytical Physics I Lab

1 credit

PHY-272Analytical Physics II

4 credits

PHY-272LAnalytical Physics II Lab

1 credit

Additional Humanities electives as specified by the partner dual-degree institution.

The required courses specific to the Dual-Degree Engineering Minor depend upon the engineering field and the engineering institution. Every student completing this Minor should closely consult with a dual-degree engineering advisor to choose appropriate College of Idaho courses.