Cultural and Community Psychology Minor
The community and culture minor is designed to give students experience in psychology and related fields that will help them to make an impact on the wider world. Students will learn about a variety of meanings of community and culture and how these different perspectives lead to different forms of action.
Cultural and Community Psychology Minor
Required 15 credits minimum:
Complete TWO of the following Culture and Diversity courses (of which only one ATH course can be chosen):
ATH-202 | Cultural Diversity | 3 credits |
ATH-305 | Culture Change and the World System | 3 credits |
ATH-308 | Gender in Cross Cultural Perspective | 3 credits |
BUS-340 | International Business | 3 credits |
POE-362 | Gender and Development | 3 credits |
PSY-128 | Gender and Sexuality | 3 credits |
PSY-410 | Media Psychology | 3 credits |
PSY-412 | Infants, Health, and Society: Research and Applications | 3 credits |
SOC-340 | Cultural Criminology | 3 credits |
| Paradigms in Intercultural Com *(no longer offered) | 3 credits |
International travel courses and other relevant courses may also count for minor course with permission from minor coordinator.
Complete ONE of the following Community Interventions courses:
POE-241 | Introduction to Public Policy | 3 credits |
PSY-364 | Community Psychology | 3 credits |
SOC-220 | Community Corrections | 3 credits |
Participation in a community-based action (PSY-497) or research project (PSY-296 or PSY-496) may also fulfill this requirement with permission from minor coordinator.