Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Students are required to attain and remain in good Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to be eligible for federal, state, and institutional financial assistance. Federal regulations require all colleges and universities to publish and apply standards that monitor students' progress toward completion of their certificate or degree program. Two departments monitor SAP at the completion of each semester. The Registrar's Office monitors course work for academic standing, and the Office of Student Financial Aid ensures that all students (including full-time students, part-time students, and students without aid) are meeting the requirements for SAP. These standards apply to all students regardless of whether a student has received previous financial aid or transferred from another institution. The federal regulations set minimum requirements, but schools can choose their own acceptable thresholds. This means that SAP standards can vary from one institution to the next.
Students failing to meet SAP standards will receive communication via email to their College of Idaho email address. All students should check their email on a regular basis for any changes or updates to their student account, financial aid awards, or requests for documentation.
In order to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, the student must meet each of these criteria: