Grades and Transcripts

Grade Calculation and Meaning

The following charts indicate the meaning of the grades assigned and the number of quality points given per credit for each grade. Students who fail to register or enroll officially are not assigned grades or given credit for a course.

 Grades Used in the Grade Point Average Calculation

 Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Failure
   A 4.00  B+ 3.30     C+ 2.30     C- 1.70     F 0.00 
   A- 3.70  B 3.00       C 2.00     D+ 1.30     
     B- 2.70    
 D  1.00     
                D- 0.70    



 Grades Not Used in the Grade Point Average Calculation

 AU Audit Audit of Coursework
 CIP In Progress Unassigned; in progress
 I Incomplete Refer to policy on Incomplete Grades.
P Passing Passing with credit given. May be elected by students in some instances under the Pass-Fail option.
 W Withdrawal Clear withdraw from course(s).

Grade Point Average

The grade point average (GPA) is obtained by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of credits attempted, except credits marked AU, P, W, and I, and other credits awarded which do not carry quality points. Credits with the grade of F are used in the calculation.

Grade Reports

Midterm and final grades are made available to students through Self Service. No paper grade reports are distributed or mailed unless specifically requested by students. Copies of grades are sent to parents only if authorized by the student. Students having questions or needing assistance should contact the Registrar's Office. 

Grade Change Policy

Once a grade has been recorded in the Registrar’s Office it can be changed only if an error was made in assigning the original grade. An error refers to incorrect data entry, miscalculation, or failure to consider all coursework submitted before the grading deadline. Any coursework received after grades are posted or the Incomplete contract deadline cannot be considered for a grade change.

If a grading error was made, the instructor must notify the Registrar’s Office by submitting a Grade Change form no later than the end of the semester following the grade submission. To protect records integrity, all grade changes must be submitted in writing and be signed and dated by the instructor.

For an error discovered more than one term after grade submission, the grade change must be approved by the Provost and supported by documentation (e.g., grade books, papers, examinations) from the instructor or department chair. No changes will be permitted more than one year after the grade has been recorded.

A student who believes that a course grade does not accurately reflect their performance must attempt to resolve the matter with the faculty member within the first six weeks of the next full academic semester (e.g., discussion of fall or winter grades must begin within the first six weeks of spring semester, and spring and summer grades within the first six weeks of fall semester).  If the student and faculty member are unable to reach a solution, then the student may request grade mediation. Please see the Grade Mediation Policy in the catalog.

Grade Mediation Policy

If a student believes a course grade was improperly or unfairly assigned, the College has a grade mediation procedure to help resolve the matter. The evaluation of a student's academic performance is the sole responsibility of the person appointed to teach or supervise the course. A student who questions the validity of a faculty member's final evaluation of the student's academic work should confer with that faculty member within the first six weeks of the next full academic semester (e.g., discussion of fall or winter grades must begin within the first six weeks of spring semester, and spring grades within the first six weeks of fall semester). If the matter cannot be resolved between the faculty member and the student, the student should seek the appropriate department or division chair or academic advisor to act as a mediator between the student and faculty member. However, the faculty member assigned to teach the course retains the final responsibility for assigning the course grade. After the final outcome, if the student and/or mediator feel that the faculty member in question has been unprofessional in resolving the matter, they should send a letter to the Provost to be put in the file of the faculty member and considered by the Faculty Evaluation Committee as part of the regular evaluation process.

If the student writes a letter to the Provost to be put in the file of the faculty member, a copy of the letter will be given by the Provost to the faculty member and to the mediator, so that they may be informed of the comments. Either or both the faculty member and the person who served as mediator may write letters for the file as well.

The mediator will prepare a brief summary of the interaction with the student and its outcome and will give a copy of the summary to the student, the faculty member, and the Provost. The mediator will also retain a file copy. The file copy and the Provost's summary will be retained through the subsequent evaluation period of the faculty member, in case it would need to be referred to for any reason.

If the faculty member whose grade is questioned is no longer employed by the College or is otherwise unavailable because of sabbatical leave or some other reason:

  • The student meets with the department chair of the faculty member's department (or, if the faculty member involved is the department chair, then the student meets with the division chair).

  • The department chair and the student's academic advisor help the student prepare a petition for review by a special committee appointed by the Provost in consultation with Curriculum Council; the committee shall consist of one member from the faculty member's department or a closely aligned discipline, one faculty member from the division, and one faculty member from outside the division.

  • This special committee will review all available material and speak with people who may have insight into the situation and will come to some resolution that may include—but is not limited to—changing the grade(s) in question to Pass.

  • The timelines for beginning the grade mediation procedure are the same whether or not the faculty member continues at the College.

  • The decision of the special committee is final.

Incomplete Grades

The grade of I (Incomplete) may be assigned when a student has met all of the following conditions:

  • The student has attended class through the final withdrawal date in accordance with the course attendance policy. The last date of attendance should occur after the withdrawal deadline.

  • The student has completed the majority of possible coursework at that point in time and is in good standing, having earned C- or better.

  • When the instructor believes the student’s inability to complete the course is due to legitimate causes beyond the student’s reasonable control (such as an illness or traumatic event occurring after the final withdrawal date).

The instructor and student must submit an Incomplete Grade Contract to the Registrar’s Office before the last day of finals in the semester in which the student is registered for the course. Final approval for the Incomplete is at the discretion of the Registrar, providing that the student meets the conditions listed above.

All work for the course must be completed and a final grade must be submitted to the Registrar by the faculty member by the end of the next semester (last day of finals, fall or spring), or the grade of F will be recorded. Instructors may establish earlier deadlines.

By petition and with the permission of the instructor of record, the Registrar may extend the time for completion in cases of hardship on a case-by-case basis.

Pass-Fail Option

At any time before the posted last day to elect Pass-Fail or withdraw from a class, a student may elect to take a course on a Pass-Fail basis by filing a form with the Registrar. The choice is irrevocable. Choosing the P/F option coincides with the last date to withdraw from a semester course. Refer to the academic calendar for specific dates each semester. The P represents an earned grade of D- or better and will not calculate within the GPA, whereas an F indicates a failing grade and will calculate within the GPA.


  • No more than one course per semester may be taken Pass-Fail.

  • No more than 18 credits of P may be counted toward graduation. (This does not apply to courses where P is the only mark given and the student has no option.)

  • Courses to be counted toward a major, minor, specialization, or graduation requirement may not be taken Pass-Fail without written approval from the department chair or minor supervisor.

Since the grade of P indicates any assigned grade of D- or above, students should be aware that some post-graduate institutions may discount records with this grade.

In some programs, typically study-away programs, Pass-Fail grades may be the only recorded option for earned credit. These courses, in which students have no option for letter grades, may be exempt from the limitations listed above. In cases where programs only offer Pass-Fail grades, students must receive approval through an academic petition prior to the time they attend the program.

Repeating Courses

Upon notifying the Registrar, and with the permission of the instructor, a student who has earned grades of C-, D, or F in a course may repeat the course for the purpose of mastery of the subject. All grades are entered on the student's permanent record, but only the last (most recent) grade is used in calculating the grade point average. Only one enrollment is used in computing the total number of credits. Such repeated courses count in the calculation of the student's load for veterans' benefits only if the original grade was F, or if a grade higher than C- is required for graduation. Students can not repeat a course in which they selected a Pass/Fail. 

If the repeated course is to be taken other than in residence at The College of Idaho, permission must be granted by the Provost (or designee) in accordance with limitations on credit listed under Graduation Requirements.

Transcripts of Record

Official transcripts of record are ordered through the Registrar's Office. In certain circumstances, transcripts may be held if a balance is owed to the College. As stated on each transcript, federal law requires that release of such records be authorized personally by the student. No third party may legally have access to that record without the student's written consent. Official transcripts can be requested via Unofficial transcripts can be viewed via Self Service.