Philosophy Major


30-35 credits (Total does not include prerequisite courses)

Major Requirements

PHI-214Introduction to Logic

3 credits

PHI-310Ancient Philosophy

3 credits

PHI-311Modern Philosophy

3 credits

PHI-498Philosophy Seminar

1 credit

PHI-499Senior Thesis

1-2 credits

PHI Upper Division
Upper Division (300- or 400-level) Philosophy Courses

9 credits

PHI-498: Required to be taken yearly (1-4 credits)

Complete 10-14 elective credits in Philosophy

Any PHI course

Total Credit Hours:10-14

Up to six credits from the following may count toward the Philosophy Elective requirement:

POE-250 Introduction to Political Philosophy

POE-255 Introduction to Political Philosophy through Plato

POE-350 Topics in Political Philosophy

SPE-310 Philosophy of Communication