Religious Studies Minor


15 credits (Total does not include prerequisite courses)

Minor Requirements

REL-100Introduction to World Religions

3 credits

Complete 3 credits from the following:

REL Upper Division
Upper Division (300- or 400-level) Religion Course

3 credits

PHI-351Philosophy of Religion

3 credits

Complete 9 credits from the following:

Any REL courses

9 credits

Up to 6 credits of the following can count toward the REL elective requirement:

ATH-128 Understanding Spirit in Art and Culture

HIS-221 Chinese Religions

HIS-242 The History of Christianity

HIS-325 Ancient Greek Language and Literature I 

HIS-326 Ancient Greek Language and Literature II 

HIS-346 Reformation of the Sixteenth Century 

HIS-363 History, Classical Archaeology, and the Rise of Christianity

HIS-364 The Life of Jesus: History and Archaeology

HIS-367 The History of Jewish Art

HIS-370 Jewish History from the Diaspora to 1948

HIS-372 Jewish-Christian Relations Through the Ages

HIS-374 Women and Gender in Jewish Societies

HIS-378 Liberation Theology

PHI-201 The Good Life

SOC-304 The Sociology of Religion