Faculty/Staff Directory
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog > Academic Departments and Programs > Philosophy and Religious Studies > Philosophy Minor
3 credits
Upon successful completion of this minor, students will be able to:
1) Write a philosophical paper. This entails presenting a thesis or claim in a short paper or essay exam while utilizing a relevant source accurately. 2) Read philosophical texts independently. This entails identifying the main ideas and concepts of primary and secondary sources with some level of reflection or analysis. 3) Conduct research in philosophy. This entails identifying a topic or problem in philosophy with some specificity and locating at least one relevant source that is cited accurately. 4) Engage philosophical literature of non-dominant cultures and communities. This entails demonstrating awareness of content related to issues and artifacts of cultures and communities that are under-represented or marginalized, often on the basis of gender, racial, ethnic, religious, or diasporic identity. 5) Identify philosophical ideas and arguments. This entails identifying the main idea(s), reasons, or arguments of a philosophical position.
And one of the following: 6) Identify relevant ethical principles, theories, or positions in philosophy. This entails demonstrating awareness of ethical principles, theories, or positions while utilizing disciplinary tools to explain and evaluate texts or issues. 7) Identify relevant problems in philosophy. This entails demonstrating awareness of the main issues, arguments, and approaches related to the problem.