Religious Studies Minor


15 credits

Minor Requirements

No course can count toward more than one requirement area.

REL-100Introduction to World Religions

3 credits

Complete 3 credits from the following:

Elective REL coursework, any level

3 credits

PHI-201The Good Life

3 credits

PHI-210Human Nature and the Scientific World -View

3 credits

PHI-351Philosophy of Religion

3 credits

Complete 3 credits from the following:

Elective REL coursework, 300- or 400-level

3 credits

PHI-351Philosophy of Religion

3 credits

Complete 3 credits from the following:

Elective REL coursework, any level

3 credits

ATH-249Natives of South America

3 credits

HIS-221Chinese Religions

3 credits

HIS-240Jewish History

3 credits

HIS-242The History of Christianity

3 credits

HIS-244Biblical Archaeology

1-3 credits

HIS-363The Rise of Christianity: Classical History and Archaeology

3 credits

HIS-364The Life of Jesus: History and Archaeology

3 credits

HIS-378Liberation Theology

3 credits

HIS-386Religions in Latin American

3 credits

MUS-216Music and the Church

3 credits

PHI-201The Good Life

3 credits

PHI-210Human Nature and the Scientific World -View

3 credits

PHI-351Philosophy of Religion

3 credits

SOC-304The Sociology of Religion

3 credits

Creative Activity

Take 3 credits from the approved Creative Activities courses.



Upon successful completion of this minor, students will be able to:

1) Write a paper in religious studies. This entails presenting a thesis or claim in a short paper or essay exam while utilizing a relevant source accurately.
2) Read texts in religious studies independently. This entails identifying the main ideas and concepts of primary and secondary sources with some level of reflection or analysis.
3) Conduct research in religious studies. This entails identifying a topic or problem in religious studies with some specificity and  locating at least one relevant source that is cited accurately.
4) Engage literature of non-dominant cultures and communities in religious studies. This entails demonstrating awareness of content related to issues and artifacts of cultures and communities that are under-represented or marginalized, often on the basis of gender, racial, ethnic, religious, or diasporic identify.
5) Identify the concept of religion. This entails demonstrating awareness of the main problems, issues, arguments, and approaches related to the concept of religion.
6) Identify religious traditions. This entails demonstrating awareness of the beliefs, practices, thought, texts, history, contemporary issues, and other relevant features of religious traditions around the world.
7) Identify relevant topics in religious studies. This entails demonstrating awareness of the main problems, issues, arguments, and approaches related to the topic.