Withdrawal from Courses

Students may, in consultation with their academic advisor, drop any course until the close of registration. The course does not appear on the student's record. Students should refer to the academic calendar for specific dates each semester.

Under certain circumstances, an instructor, the Provost, or the Dean of Students, in consultation with the Registrar, may administratively withdraw a student from a course. In such a case a mark of W will appear on the transcript.

A student may withdraw from any course until the last day to elect Pass/Fail or withdraw from a class, but the course appears on the record with a mark of W. Students should refer to the academic calendar for specific deadlines each semester. Students will be withdrawn as of the day that they notify the Registrar's Office of their withdrawal. After the last day to elect Pass/Fail or withdraw from a class, a student who ceases to attend class is assigned the grade they have earned. Merely ceasing to attend class does not constitute withdrawal, and failure to follow prescribed withdrawal procedures may result in a grade of F.

The College of Idaho does not allow students to withdraw retroactively from a course from which they earned a grade. A course withdrawal must be completed by the deadline.